How to create an NHS-ready app: A live session by Eastern AHSN and Cogniss

How to create an NHS-ready app

Creating an NHS-ready health app through the traditional development method is a complicated, time-consuming, and expensive process. So, come and join Cogniss and Eastern AHSN (Academic Health Science Network) for a live session on 23 February, to understand how no-code can simplify this process significantly. 

Cogniss’s Managing Director, Dr. Lloyd Humphreys, will be sharing his firsthand experience of the challenges and frustrations of building a mental health digital intervention app from scratch and what he learned in the process. 

This event is a wonderful opportunity for healthcare experts to learn how no-code can take their digital health product from ideation through to commercialization — all within the same app and for a fraction of the custom development costs. 

Clinical entrepreneurs and healthcare professionals may not have specialized experience in applied behavioral science, UX design, development, AI, gamification, data security, privacy, and hosting, all of which are required to create an effective digital health solution. Hiring an agency or freelance developer to create an app, on the other hand, can cost hundreds of thousands of pounds and will require 12 to 24 months just to get a product’s first version out.

A no-code digital health platform like Cogniss changes the app development paradigm by putting the power of digital health into the hands of healthcare experts. Now, great ideas in healthcare don’t need to rely on long development processes, complicated technical requirements, or expensive agencies. Instead, app creators can build apps in weeks rather than months, add and change content and features easily, and invest much less money in development and maintenance.

For more information, visit the registration page here